Luscious ๐Ÿฐ

Luscious ๐Ÿฐ

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

The sweetest of memories create the most captivating pieces. The story goes like this, my gal pal Rowena and I talked about having high tea at the Marco Polo exactly a year ago. It was a frenetic Friday afternoon, I was coming from a meeting in Makati, and she from an appointment in Ortigas. "Shall we reset? The traffic is craaaazy!"

"Never put off a tea party", we agreed.

Luscious, 11" x 15", Mixed Media on Cotton Fibre;

Rowena and I stopping for Afternoon Tea that frenetic Friday afternoon in Oct. 2019.

And so glad we did. Fast forward to 365 days later, we're all homebound wondering, "When will we ever get to experience afternoon tea again?"

The cream-and-jam-slathered scones crumbling in our mouths...The sweetness of panna cotta, cheesecake, and tiramisu in between our giggles... The Manila mango and raspberry teas swishing down our throats.

Best of all, the precious girl chitchats about life and art!

How do you relive the decadence? I painted "Luscious" to rekindle that delightful moment of luscious proportions.

Life is never promised. So live today with zest. Take that tea party, bite off that cake, laugh heartily and keep every sweet memory close to your heart...

Frame it as you please. ๐Ÿ˜˜

#rissacalicaart "lifeismeanttobelived #whatalovelymess #rissacalicatablescapes

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