

The ancient art of mosaic-making has been my fascination for 2 years now.

Ever since my visit to a mosaic-factory in Nebo, Jordan, my curiosity took an upward trajectory. I just couldn't help it!

Finally in February 2020, I joined a Roman Mosaic Workshop at the Studio Cassio, Via Urbana, Rome, where iconic Vatican pieces were made.

I indulged myself in an afternoon choosing marble according to texture and color. I learned how to cut little tiles and compose them into a precious work of art—over a cup of cappuccino!

I took home more than just a meaningful souvenir that day, but the priceless satisfaction of me ticking off a precious box in my "unreal to real" list.

Is there something you just passively "gaze" at? Do you leave your future to fate?

Do you wait it out indefinitely 'til "luck" gets on your side?

Do you hesitate until the perfect time comes along and take your hand?

Don't just gaze. Lock in eye-to-eye with it. Be about it.

Be one with it. Be it.

Act on that gaze and simply be amazed.

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